
Rome Green - The Business of Comedy, Comedian Content Tips, The Mindset of a Comedian - comedy podcast

We’re getting deep today comedy fam…

This week’s episode will definitely have you thinking as I sit down with OG Hot Breathren Rome Green.

He was a member of YouTube’s first comedy group, Dormtainment, who built such a big following they got a show on Comedy Central. They were the FIRST comedy group to bridge the gap between YouTube and TV.

So he has seen the evolution of comedy over the years and has a lot of insights I’ve never heard before about what we comics can learn from the past.

Rome has been a fan of Hot Breath! for years and we connected on my most recent LA trip to talk the future of comedy of what comics can do that sets them apart from anyone else.

We go deep on topics like:

Think Outside of Comedy:

Rome gets real about the power of having multiple streams of income to take all the pressure off comedy money.

Social Media and Content Strategy:

Rome was a member of YouTube’s first comedy group and he shares insights on the evolution of comedy and where it’s going.

The Power of Collaboration

Rome encourages collaboration, whether in writing jokes for others or seeking input from peers to enhance creativity.

I’m super excited about this one and hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.

Rome Green:

I'm sitting at work and I get an email and it's like, hey, would you like to come meet with comedy Central New York?

Rome Green:

I was like, this spam account, people gotta stop spamming me.

Rome Green:

I'm not even.

Rome Green:

So I kind of don't even look at it.

Rome Green:

But then I go back and look at it again.

Rome Green:

I'm like, wait, this is a registered address here.

Rome Green:

What's going on?

Rome Green:

So I email them back immediately.

Rome Green:

Call my mom.

Rome Green:

I'm like, mom, pick out which car you want.

Rome Green:

Right, right.

Rome Green:

Yeah, I made it.

Joel Byers:

It's a meeting.

Joel Byers:

And you're like, we on fame?

Rome Green:

Cause once you get a meeting, give you a million dollars.

Rome Green:

Kids, that's not how it works.

Joel Byers:

Hot breath.

Joel Byers:

What's goody, hot breathiverse?

Joel Byers:

Welcome back to hot breath, the show where you learn comedy from the pros.

Joel Byers:

I am your host, comedian Joel Byers, and our guest today is the definition of a creative entrepreneur known for his comedy.

Joel Byers:

He actually got his first claim to fame in middle school as the lead man of a rap group.

Joel Byers:

Comedy didn't really start jumping off until freshman year of college when he serendipitously met on the first day of college with a crew of other creators that they created an amazing platform called dormtainment.

Joel Byers:

Blew up on social media.

Joel Byers:

They got picked up by Comedy Central, but this is not an overnight success.

Joel Byers:

At one time, their channel got deleted and they had to build it from scratch when Comedy Central called them.

Joel Byers:

My guest today was actually at his call center job, so we're going to get into that and so much more he has going on beyond comedy.

Joel Byers:

But ladies and gentlemen, hot brethren and sister, and welcome to the hot breathiverse, Mister Rome Green.

Rome Green:

Oh, man.

Rome Green:

Hey, man, you almost sound professional, like you know what you're doing, man.

Rome Green:

I like it.

Rome Green:

Thank you for having me.

Rome Green:

It's much more green for the cake, man.

Rome Green:

It's beautiful cloudy weather outside.

Rome Green:

It's looking nice outside.

Joel Byers:

I'm glad I could bring that with me.

Joel Byers:

I'm glad.

Rome Green:

No, I appreciate that.

Rome Green:

Not a lot of people know that.

Rome Green:

Fun fact about that call center bit.

Rome Green:

That's hilarious.

Rome Green:

That was a time in my life.

Rome Green:

But before we even start, I am a southern man.

Rome Green:

I know you live in Atlanta.

Rome Green:

Where are you originally from?

Joel Byers:

I live in Atlanta.

Joel Byers:

I'm from Rome, Georgia.

Rome Green:

From Rome, Georgia.

Rome Green:

Rome, Rome, Georgia.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

I was raised in North Carolina, Raleigh Durham area of North Carolina.

Rome Green:

And I was always taught to bring gifts, so I have a sunglasses brand, and I wanted to gift you with one of our frames.

Joel Byers:

The drip.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

You know, what I'm saying?

Rome Green:

Mama taught me well.

Joel Byers:

The drip.

Rome Green:

So, mom, be proud.

Rome Green:

Shady side up.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Shady side up.

Rome Green:

Oh, wait.

Rome Green:

Yeah, yeah.

Joel Byers:

Are these the blue ones?

Rome Green:

Those are nice and blue.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Those are called the waters.

Joel Byers:

I was peep.

Joel Byers:

I'm not even fronting.

Joel Byers:

I don't know why I'm talking like this all of a sudden.

Joel Byers:

I just went full honky Bonnix.

Joel Byers:

I just turned into white boy Joel right there.

Joel Byers:

Going back to my ATL days, I was.

Joel Byers:

No cap.

Rome Green:

No cap.

Rome Green:

That's what they say.

Rome Green:

That's what the kids say.

Joel Byers:

I was peeping these on the website.

Joel Byers:

Hey, well, look, I didn't even fronten there you.

Rome Green:

Oh, yeah.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Saucy with it.

Rome Green:

Come on, man.

Rome Green:

The drill is here, so you don't have to wear them now, but I just wanted to give them to you.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

How we looking?

Joel Byers:

I don't know.

Rome Green:

We looking good.

Rome Green:

We styling and profiling.

Joel Byers:

But you're wearing yours.

Rome Green:

I can take mine off.

Rome Green:

Listen, we're going to get deep.

Rome Green:

You know what I'm saying here?

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

That's looking good, though.

Rome Green:

There you go, Shady.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

I appreciate it.

Joel Byers:

Quality, too.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Thank you, bro.

Rome Green:

Oh, man.

Joel Byers:

My wife will be so proud.

Rome Green:

Oh, yeah.

Rome Green:

She's going to be like, oh, man, you went out shopping.

Joel Byers:

I appreciate that.

Joel Byers:

We'll put it up right there, too.

Joel Byers:

They can see shady snacks.

Rome Green:

That's solid.

Rome Green:

Thank you, bro.

Rome Green:

But, yeah, thank you for having me.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

What's the story behind these pandemic happens?

Rome Green:

In college, I always wanted to have some type of business I've been doing to entrepreneurship since high school.

Rome Green:

And in college, I was like, oh, one day I think I'm gonna own a sunglasses company.

Rome Green:

Because I don't know why I said it.

Rome Green:

I was just like, I always wore shades.

Rome Green:

And then pandemic happens.

Rome Green:

One of my homies is like, hey, remember when you said you was gonna do shades?

Rome Green:

I was like, yeah.

Rome Green:

He was like, not gonna lie.

Rome Green:

We ain't got nothing else to do.

Rome Green:

You wanna, like, try it out?

Rome Green:

See what we can do?

Rome Green:

He wanted to go 50 50 with me and, yeah, we created it in, like, six months.

Rome Green:

We started working on it in March.

Rome Green:

It launched August of:

Rome Green:

Yeah, that's a pandemic business.

Joel Byers:

Was this the initial name, or did you.

Rome Green:

Yeah, shady side up.

Joel Byers:

Shady side up is where it started.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Cause we.

Rome Green:

At the time.

Rome Green:

At the time, we just was like, you know what?

Rome Green:

We love breakfast.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Shady side up.

Rome Green:

That would be great.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

Breakfast sunglasses, they go hanging sunny side up.

Rome Green:

Shady side up.

Rome Green:

But then later, we realized how much we were, like, positive people and positive individuals, and we was like, you know what?

Rome Green:

It's like flipping the negative to a positive.

Rome Green:

Take the shady side up of life and then respect.

Rome Green:

Then we were like, oh, that works, actually.

Rome Green:

So, yeah, that's where we are.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

What was your first entrepreneurial?

Rome Green:

Oh, man.

Rome Green:

When we first got into college, we started a non profit, but then we realized you had to have a profit in order to have a nonprofit.

Rome Green:

So that went downhill real quick.

Joel Byers:

Was that the sweepstakes one?

Rome Green:

Yeah, it was like, yeah, yeah, sweepstakes situ.

Rome Green:

It was a lot going on.

Rome Green:

Then we were club promoters in Atlanta.

Rome Green:

Through one party, you know, six people came, five of them was us.

Rome Green:

So that went downhill.

Rome Green:

se why would I do research at:

Rome Green:

That doesn't make sense.

Rome Green:

And so that didn't go well.

Rome Green:

And then we were like, you know what?

Rome Green:

This is all funny.

Rome Green:

We should just do comedy.

Rome Green:

I think that's where we all love comedy.

Rome Green:

We all.

Rome Green:

And everybody went to school for a different thing.

Rome Green:

I went to school for audio production.

Rome Green:

We had.

Rome Green:

Somebody went to school for advertising.

Rome Green:

Somebody else went to school for 3d motion graphics.

Rome Green:

So it all kind of came together in the right way.

Rome Green:

It was like the Avengers of the art school.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

So it kind of worked out.

Rome Green:

And then here we are, you know?

Joel Byers:

And then you guys shot a video at your dad's house with, like, crackheads.

Rome Green:

Yeah, yeah.

Rome Green:

Like, on from there, we took an old Sony cam, was at my dad's house.

Rome Green:

Did we did, like, this hood hunters video where we, like, we're in the hood.

Rome Green:

Like, Steve Irwin is in the jungle and looking for hood.

Rome Green:

It's wild when I think about it.

Rome Green:

And people.

Rome Green:

And we put it up on Facebook, you know?

Rome Green:

Cause YouTube wasn't the newest thing.

Rome Green:

And I was like, I don't know about that YouTube stuff yet.

Rome Green:

We threw it on Facebook.

Rome Green:

Cause that's where our audience was at the time.

Rome Green:

So we threw it on Facebook.

Rome Green:

People were like, oh, we love this.

Rome Green:

We love this.

Rome Green:

And then we kept doing stuff on Facebook.

Rome Green:

Then we're like, you know what?

Rome Green:

This new YouTube platform is here.

Rome Green:

Let's start throwing things on there.

Rome Green:

lly became a true business in:

Rome Green:

So YouTube wasn't that old when we started.

Rome Green:

Yeah, yeah.

Rome Green:

Oh, so I've been on YouTube a long time.

Rome Green:

I'm a forefather of.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, it's changed a lot since then.

Rome Green:

I've seen YouTube when it wasn't paid.

Rome Green:

I've seen YouTube and they had, like, the ad Pocalypse thing where people were getting paid blue cool amounts for money.

Rome Green:

Did I benefit from it?

Rome Green:

I'm not gonna tell anybody, but okay, yeah, yeah, that was a thing.

Rome Green:

Then they stopped that.

Rome Green:

And then I seen when MCNs came out and, you know, it was maker studio and.

Rome Green:

And fullscreen and all these other.

Rome Green:

I've seen YouTube go everywhere.

Rome Green:

Literally, shorts.

Rome Green:

I didn't know the shorts never existed.

Rome Green:

All this stuff on YouTube, like the suggestion bar wasn't there.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Literally everything.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

Where do you think it's going?

Rome Green:

Here's the thing.

Rome Green:

I think AI is definitely going to be in there somewhere.

Rome Green:

I don't know in what way, but I do believe that AI is going to take some part in YouTube at some point.

Rome Green:

But it's weird because even when we were.

Rome Green:

Because we were essentially treating YouTube as our tv show.

Rome Green:

Cause we were dropping.

Rome Green:

When we first started, we dropped a video every Sunday for four years straight.

Rome Green:

I don't think people know how hard that is to do.

Rome Green:

It's almost wild.

Rome Green:

Even me, I'm 35 now, looking back at 21 year old me, I'm like, that's a different type of energy.

Rome Green:

That's young boy energy.

Rome Green:

Yeah, that's young boy energy.

Rome Green:

There's no way.

Rome Green:

There's no way I would somebody tell me, oh, let's do a video every Sunday night.

Rome Green:

I have responsibilities and I'm sleepy.

Rome Green:

I'm not doing that.

Rome Green:

That's crazy.

Rome Green:

Sunday's on my rest day.

Rome Green:

All right.

Rome Green:

I don't need to be doing anything.

Rome Green:

But that consistency was great at that time, and we treated it as a tv show.

Rome Green:

And I think that's why we garnered the fan base we did, because it was like, oh, it's like a new thing.

Rome Green:

It's six black guys in Atlanta, Georgia, doing comedy, and groups weren't comedy.

Rome Green:

Groups weren't a thing on the Internet, you know what I'm saying?

Rome Green:

So I feel like, especially black comedy groups, I feel like we kind of, like, ushered that in, and I'm shout out to all the new groups that came from that.

Rome Green:

Cause a lot of them are like, hey, man, you guys really showed us how to do it.

Rome Green:

I'm like, that's special to me.

Rome Green:

So I take that to heart.

Rome Green:

So I love that.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, yeah.

Joel Byers:

When the first big, what?

Joel Byers:

Like, popped first.

Joel Byers:

Cause, I mean, at one point, I think you had, like, 80 grand subs, and then it got, like.

Rome Green:

Then it got deleted.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

And then we had to build it back up.

Rome Green:

Build it back up.

Rome Green:

But the thing is, it's always a.

Rome Green:

It's weird.

Rome Green:

Cause it's always a blessing in, like, that, the turmoil.

Rome Green:

And it's always like, inside this storm, it's always like.

Rome Green:

It's like the hurricane on the outside.

Rome Green:

It's crazy.

Rome Green:

But in the middle, it's like a peaceful situation.

Rome Green:

So we had a hurricane on the outside, but in the middle of that, we didn't realize that because we got deleted.

Rome Green:

We seen the power of our fans, and they were like, you know, bring us back.

Rome Green:

And they started the campaign.

Rome Green:

So when we got back on YouTube, it started, and it allowed us to do a rebrand.

Rome Green:

We got a new logo, new website, new everything.

Rome Green:

So everybody came in at one, like, giant, like, fluctuation, which made people in Hollywood notice, like, what is this that everybody's flocking to?

Rome Green:

Little did they know we had it two years prior, but they thinking, like, oh, overnight.

Rome Green:

Like, it just happened.

Rome Green:

But the thing that happened was our video straight out of Dunwoody, where we parried it straight out of Compton.

Rome Green:

Cause we had moved to Dunwoody.

Rome Green:

All the white people were so nice.

Rome Green:

And I was like, this place is amazing.

Rome Green:

Like, it's fucking.

Rome Green:

It's Wi Fi everywhere.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

It doesn't get better than this.

Rome Green:

Coffee shops, Wi fi.

Rome Green:

And, like, the neighbors are friendly.

Rome Green:

They helping us out.

Joel Byers:

I'm like, oh, gentrification can be good.

Rome Green:

That's what I'm saying.

Rome Green:

I'm like, we got whole foods over here.

Rome Green:

It's crazy over here.

Rome Green:

So we were like, you know what?

Rome Green:

Let's make a straight out of Dunwoody song talking about how good the neighborhood is.

Rome Green:

Then didn't realize that Ryan Seacrest was from Dunwoody, Georgia.

Rome Green:

So his people saw it.

Rome Green:

Fox News saw it.

Rome Green:

Atlanta, NBC Today show saw it.

Rome Green:

And so it just started kind of bubbling from there, which got the attention of our agent at the time, Gersh agency out here, and then got the attention of our first manager that we had.

Rome Green:

And then we just started picking up, like, then it got.

Rome Green:

That's when the comedy central thing happened.

Rome Green:

Cause I'm sitting at work and I get an email, and it's like, hey, would you like to come meet with Comedy Central New York?

Rome Green:

I was like, this spam account dog people gotta stop spamming me.

Rome Green:

I'm not even.

Rome Green:

So I kind of don't even look at it.

Rome Green:

But then I go back and look at it again.

Rome Green:

I'm like, wait, this is a registered address here.

Rome Green:

What's going on?

Rome Green:

So I email them back immediately.

Rome Green:

Tell all the guys call my mom.

Rome Green:

I'm like, mom, pick out which car you want.

Joel Byers:

Right, right.

Rome Green:

I've made it.

Joel Byers:

It's a meeting.

Joel Byers:

And you're like, we on, fam.

Rome Green:

We on, like.

Rome Green:

Cause once you get a meeting, a million dollars, it's a record deal.

Rome Green:

Like, what you saying to me?

Rome Green:

Like, that's how it works, kids.

Rome Green:

That's not how it works.

Rome Green:

Once again, another blessing, because we got to Comedy Central.

Rome Green:

Very green.

Rome Green:

Never been in a meeting like this before.

Rome Green:

And, you know, we're having a.

Rome Green:

We go in there, we're killing it because we like the chemistry.

Rome Green:

We're cracking jokes.

Rome Green:

Everything's good.

Rome Green:

I'm like, oh, man, this I can't wait.

Rome Green:

I'm thinking about what.

Rome Green:

What type of house I want when I move out to LA, because this is.

Rome Green:

It's up from here.

Rome Green:

Then they ask us a question that kind of rocked us, but in the best way.

Rome Green:

They were like, so what type of show do you guys want?

Rome Green:

Oh, shit.

Rome Green:

Y'all don't just give us a show.

Rome Green:

What are you talking about?

Rome Green:

What type of show do I want?

Joel Byers:

Right, right.

Rome Green:

He was like, yeah, what type of show are you thinking?

Rome Green:

Like, what's the character arc of what you think?

Rome Green:

And are you thinking sketch?

Rome Green:

So we were like, we started to jumble this mix of things.

Rome Green:

Yeah, it's gonna be like a variety reality sketch scripted show with art and words.

Rome Green:

And they were like, it's okay.

Rome Green:

Just like, come back.

Rome Green:

And that hurts.

Rome Green:

Cause you're like, oh, we've lost it.

Rome Green:

We've lost everything.

Rome Green:

But immediately, it made us get to work.

Rome Green:

Cause we're back on the plane.

Rome Green:

We're like, okay.

Rome Green:

We're figuring out the structure of story.

Rome Green:

We're doing it.

Rome Green:

We ended up going home, coming up with a whole show.

Rome Green:

And then our agents flew us back out to LA to start meeting with people.

Rome Green:

And then Comedy Central.

Rome Green:

LA loved the pitch that we gave them, and then that's how that happened.

Rome Green:

So if we wouldn't have had that meeting, I don't know if we would ever, like, even got a show.

Rome Green:

Cause we wasn't thinking about.

Rome Green:

We thought, oh, they call you, you get the show.

Rome Green:

Like, they already have it for you.

Rome Green:

Because why wouldn't you have it for me?

Rome Green:

That makes sense.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

That makes me think of the modern day to day of, like, so many comedians.

Joel Byers:

Like, I want to go viral.

Joel Byers:

I want to blow up.

Joel Byers:

And he's like, all right, well, what are people gonna come to?

Joel Byers:

Like, you know, what's.

Joel Byers:

What's on your page?

Joel Byers:

Like, do you have a catalog of content.

Joel Byers:

What do you want to be known for?

Joel Byers:

Like, a lot of people just, I want to go viral.

Joel Byers:

And it's like, okay.

Rome Green:

And then, yeah, I think I heard.

Rome Green:

I was either listening to a interview with Judd Apatow, or I believe it was him.

Rome Green:

And he was like, when he had the 40 year old virgin script, he had worked on that, sold that, and then he was meeting with either his manager or agent or somebody in Hollywood, and they were like, all right, so what else do you have?

Rome Green:

And he was like, what are you talking about?

Rome Green:

I just got that.

Rome Green:

They were like, oh, you don't have, like, ten other scripts ready?

Rome Green:

And he's like, what?

Rome Green:

But it taught him, like, you gotta always, like, have stuff in the can.

Rome Green:

Like, even if it's not a whole script ideas, maybe a pitch deck or, you know, something, because people are gonna ask you, or sometimes in a meeting, they might pass on one idea, and you'd be like, oh, well, I got this.

Rome Green:

That you could like.

Rome Green:

Or, I know you look, guys, like this.

Rome Green:

I got this.

Rome Green:

Or, you know, I know you guys like travel.

Rome Green:

I came up with this travel idea, or.

Rome Green:

And it's like, that taught me to always kind of have.

Rome Green:

Don't spread myself too thin, but at least have ideas.

Rome Green:

Maybe even a logline or a paragraph about a show, because sometimes people can hear an idea and be like, let's expand on that.

Rome Green:

What's that right there?

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

So that was a big gift.

Rome Green:

That taught me a lot, too, to always just have things, like, ready.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, yeah.

Joel Byers:

I think Dave Chappelle pitched, like, 15 or 20 pilots before Chappelle showed it.

Joel Byers:

He had been, like, trying to get a show going for a minute before that, just.

Joel Byers:

And then people like, oh, he was young, phenom, and he just popped off.

Joel Byers:

I mean, he was, like, working.

Rome Green:

Oh, yeah, he was working.

Rome Green:

Hitting the stages, doing all.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Of course, that.

Rome Green:

And that was something I had to, like, talk to myself about, too, because I waited to do stand up for maybe, like, four or five years into it.

Rome Green:

Then I finally did it.

Rome Green:

Liked, it went on, like, a maybe two, three year run of it.

Rome Green:

But I realized that wasn't what I wanted to be out there doing.

Rome Green:

It felt like it was taking a lot of my time, and I really liked just, like, writing and sketching and, like, idea creation and kind of being in that side producing stuff.

Rome Green:

And I was like, okay, you gotta be able to talk to yourself and be like, do I see myself doing?

Rome Green:

Cause when people are stand ups, they're stand ups, yo.

Rome Green:

They're out there.

Joel Byers:

That road life is no joke.

Rome Green:

Yeah, you gotta be outside.

Rome Green:

And I respect, that's why I love the great stand.

Rome Green:

I love Andrew Schultz, I love Kevin, I love Ryan Davis.

Rome Green:

I love these Joe Byers.

Rome Green:

I love people who are out there getting to it.

Rome Green:

Cause that's not my calling.

Rome Green:

That's not my ministry.

Rome Green:

It's fun.

Rome Green:

I love to write jokes for people.

Rome Green:

Yeah, that's great.

Rome Green:

I do that.

Rome Green:

But me hitting the stages, that's not where my life is at.

Rome Green:

And besides, once again, I be in bed.

Rome Green:

And a lot of times.

Joel Byers:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rome Green:

I end up not in bed.

Rome Green:

You outside.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

I mean, since the pandemic, I've been saying no to a lot of things.

Rome Green:

He's like my whole, I usually be.

Joel Byers:

Like, you got a bowling alley side room, I'm there.

Rome Green:

Got a little:

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Slide me in.

Joel Byers:

I don't know.

Rome Green:

It's tough.

Rome Green:

It's a grindenne.

Rome Green:

It's definitely a grind.

Rome Green:

And that's why I think there's only a few that really get to that pinnacle because you gotta, like, really weed through that process of stand up.

Rome Green:

It's a thing, and I respect every stand up.

Joel Byers:

It's a non stop grind.

Joel Byers:

And I don't think people realize that about the content creation game either.

Rome Green:

Oh, yeah, that's, yeah, that's everything too.

Joel Byers:

To be consistent on that and to keep putting out ideas and throwing them up even if they brick or not.

Joel Byers:

Oh, man, that requires a lot.

Rome Green:

And it's always the ones that you don't put a lot of time in that go off and they're like, oh, this is genius.

Rome Green:

And I'm like, bro, that took me two minutes.

Rome Green:

I just did a film for y'all.

Rome Green:

Like, ah, we don't like, that was trash.

Rome Green:

But this right here that you did in your kitchen.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

I'm just like, what is going on?

Rome Green:

Like, we did a short about how black people walked down the stairs, and it was like different versions of black people walking down the stairs.

Rome Green:

It was like 1.5 million views in like two days.

Rome Green:

And I was like, I have been putting out quality content for you guys.

Rome Green:

Quality, you know, up curating ideas, bouncing stuff off the wall, writers rooms, and y'all are like, eh, that's cool.

Rome Green:

Give me the steps.

Rome Green:

I want the steps.

Rome Green:

That's what you just gotta keep putting out things.

Rome Green:

Like, that's just what it is.

Rome Green:

You keep putting out stuff.

Rome Green:

But now, like I said, you build a system.

Rome Green:

After a while, when it comes to comedy, you build a system to where you know, like, all right, well, if I have this four minute video, I know I can take four pieces of content from this video.

Rome Green:

I can repurpose that content for TikTok.

Rome Green:

I can take that content, make it into a thread on Twitter.

Rome Green:

I can do, like, you just start to realize, like, oh, it's an ecosystem of content, because people think you have to do one thing at a time, but you can really make the whole, like, ecosystem work.

Joel Byers:

Ooh, speak on it.

Rome Green:

Yeah, please, give me more.

Joel Byers:

Break that down a little bit more.

Rome Green:

Like, for example, I started a newsletter maybe, um, three weeks ago.

Rome Green:

So from my newsletter, I know I can get a nice Twitter thread going about whatever that newsletter is.

Rome Green:

From that newsletter, I can do a YouTube video.

Rome Green:

Cause that's the script right there.

Rome Green:

That newsletter turned to a YouTube video, which is then turned into my IG and TikTok content, which can then turn into my YouTube shorts content, all from one piece of content that I did from the newsletter.

Rome Green:

I just repurposed it for everything.

Rome Green:

And so that's the.

Rome Green:

That's the thing.

Rome Green:

So even if you.

Rome Green:

If a person has a script, they're doing a YouTube video, and they have a script about, all right, this is the five best ways to get to 10,000 subscribers.

Rome Green:

They can take that piece of content, turn that into a Twitter thread for people, turn that thread, turn that into Instagram short videos or whatever, and turn that into YouTube short videos.

Rome Green:

And then you're like, oh, I got six pieces of content from really?

Rome Green:

One piece of content.

Rome Green:

So that's how you got to look at.

Rome Green:

You can't just look at it as one piece of content.

Rome Green:

You, like, how can I take what I did here turn that into, oh, and then let me.

Rome Green:

Not in the podcast.

Rome Green:

So I take that script, say it on audio now it's Spotify, Apple.

Rome Green:

And so everything is from.

Rome Green:

That's one thing.

Rome Green:

And that's one thing.

Rome Green:

So if you do three, four, five of those, you got content just kind of rolling.

Rome Green:

Then you created an ecosystem of content.

Joel Byers:

So let's just say, hypothetically this episode right now.

Joel Byers:

Well, how.

Joel Byers:

Because we actually just started a newsletter as well.

Joel Byers:

For hot breath.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

And I'm love.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

I'm getting a little.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, it is.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

I'm surprised at how much fun it has been.

Joel Byers:

I was like, oh, it's.

Joel Byers:

It's just me, like, writing, like, I feel like something to myself, but, like, there's actual audience and people reply to the emails.

Joel Byers:

I actually.

Joel Byers:

I was writing some on the plane over here.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

Like, to get them out ahead of time.

Rome Green:

What's your newsletter about?

Rome Green:

Just all things comedy or life.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, it's like.

Joel Byers:

Well, it's like the.

Joel Byers:

The hot breathe.

Joel Byers:

We call it the hot Breath vip.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

But you can get@hotbreadthpodcast.com.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

You can subscribe there, but I'll do reviews of the episodes or summer episodes.

Joel Byers:

Or I did one about his crowd work ruining comedy.

Joel Byers:

I'll do video essays online as well.

Joel Byers:

I just made one about Schulz's team and call it the Avengers of comedy.

Joel Byers:

So I have a video about that, and then I'm gonna have a newsletter coming out about that.

Rome Green:

So you technically already do it without you already doing it.

Joel Byers:

Now that I'm saying out loud, I was like, oh, I'm starting to see that.

Joel Byers:

It's interesting that the newsletter is the pillar piece of content.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Cause I do a lot of, like, I love philosophy, and I love, like, self help.

Rome Green:

I love, you know, those things when it comes to how to become the best version of yourself.

Rome Green:

So my newsletter is called Creative Kaizen, and it basically means creative.

Rome Green:

Creative improvement.

Rome Green:

Cause Kaizen is a japanese term for continual self improvement.

Rome Green:

So it's creative improvement.

Rome Green:

So it's for all creative entrepreneurs, people who are creative, but they do multiple things to hyphenates, you know what I'm saying?

Rome Green:

And so I like to dive in.

Rome Green:

Like, my first letter was about focus versus balance.

Rome Green:

Then my next letter, I believe, was about limiting beliefs.

Rome Green:

And then, like, this week's newsletter is about choices versus decisions and the difference between the two.

Rome Green:

And so now I can take those things and turn those into, you know, podcasts or turn.

Rome Green:

Excuse me.

Rome Green:

Turn those into YouTube videos or whatever that thing is.

Rome Green:

So, the newsletter is fun.

Rome Green:

Cause, like, it's a different muscle, and I want to eventually write a book.

Rome Green:

So this is helping me, like, get that muscle off to write a book, so.

Joel Byers:

Oh, yeah.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

I've really wanted to turn this podcast into a book as well.

Joel Byers:

I know Judd has done it with his interviews, but we have over 400 interviews on here with comedians, so I think there is an opportunity to turn.

Rome Green:

It into a book, and that's.

Rome Green:

People don't know that if you've gotten past 20 episodes, you're in the top 1% of podcasts.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

That's crazy.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

Yeah, that's crazy.

Rome Green:

And then, like, I remember, like, even in times where I may be feeling, like, down or off on myself, like, I realized that there's, like, over 2 million something YouTube channels, and only 35,000 have a million subscribers.

Rome Green:

And so I'm in one of 35,000.

Rome Green:

And I'm like, that's a feat in itself.

Rome Green:

If I never do anything else on YouTube, I did the thing that I needed to do, which was get that.

Rome Green:

Curate that audience, which is the springboard to everything else in life.

Rome Green:

Because I went through this time where I was like, all right, I love comedy.

Rome Green:

I love creating.

Rome Green:

But sometimes I don't feel like I'm just a comedian.

Rome Green:

I feel like I'm an author.

Rome Green:

I feel like I'm doing all these.

Rome Green:

So I was like, what is it?

Rome Green:

And people would ask me, so what do you describe yourself as?

Rome Green:

Cause I can never just be like, oh, I'm a comedian.

Rome Green:

Because then I'd be like, well, I also do this, and I also do that.

Rome Green:

So I was like, a creative entrepreneur is the only thing that made sense to me, because I'm always.

Rome Green:

Comedy is going to be the through line in everything I do, because naturally it just comes out.

Rome Green:

Even in my marketing for my sunglasses, is comedy even in the things I may write in the newsletter, even though I'm being serious, I might.

Rome Green:

I'm gonna throw a joke in there, or throw.

Rome Green:

It's just always gonna have that through line.

Rome Green:

So I was like, okay, yes, I do comedy, but it's not my identity.

Rome Green:

My identity is somebody who's growing every day, figuring this life out, and I wanna be able to give that back to the people who are going through the same thing.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

And I think it's important to give ourselves permission to do that.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

Like, up until the pandemic, like, I was like, stand up.

Joel Byers:

Stand up.

Joel Byers:

Stand up.

Joel Byers:

Stand up.

Joel Byers:

Stand up.

Joel Byers:

Every night.

Joel Byers:

Every night.

Joel Byers:

Every night.

Joel Byers:

Every night.

Joel Byers:

Like, I'm on the road.

Joel Byers:

Like, I was like, about that life 110%.

Joel Byers:

And then the pandemic happened, and I was like, not on the road anymore.

Joel Byers:

And I was like, oh, man, it might.

Joel Byers:

What else?

Joel Byers:

What else am I about that life?

Joel Byers:

Like, do I want to be driving 8 hours?

Joel Byers:

You know, like, like, you know, would I rather be at home?

Joel Byers:

What's the ROI on that driver?

Joel Byers:

Spending time with family and such.

Joel Byers:

So it made me start to think more about this podcast and other creative outlets and really think.

Joel Byers:

I think we, as a comedy purist, it's like, well, I'm a stand up.

Joel Byers:

People are going to think x, y, and z, but it's like, well, what else?

Joel Byers:

You can be more than just one thing.

Joel Byers:

I think it's giving yourself permission to do that.

Rome Green:

Yeah, I listened to Alex Hermosi, which is a super dope business, guy.

Rome Green:

And he was like, they were asking them, like, how do you combat, like, doubters and naysayers, stuff like that.

Rome Green:

He was like, well, I realized they're all gonna die.

Rome Green:

And I said, goddamn.

Rome Green:

But he said, also, I am too.

Rome Green:

He said, so am I.

Rome Green:

Why would I be worried about the opinions of people who are human who also will die, who in three generations, maybe my stuff might not even be remembered anymore.

Rome Green:

Or their stuff might not even be remembered anymore.

Rome Green:

He says, I'm just gonna do what I need to do, because at the end of the day, we gon die.

Rome Green:

And I was like, when you look at it, just plain and simple like that, as morbid as it is, he right.

Rome Green:

Like, we gonna die.

Rome Green:

So it's like, why do I care what people.

Rome Green:

Oh, man, you were doing YouTube.

Rome Green:

Do you do that anymore?

Rome Green:

Who are you?

Rome Green:

Like, what are you?

Rome Green:

And I was like, I'm putting out content.

Rome Green:

I can make some money.

Rome Green:

I can have a living as long as I got my family, my community.

Rome Green:

It is what it is, you know?

Rome Green:

And I think a lot of people are starting to realize that, too, especially with the pandemic.

Rome Green:

That was a big, huge thing for people to realize.

Rome Green:

And travel opened up my mind a whole bunch more just to the world.

Rome Green:

I was like, we're so western world that we don't realize, oh, there's other places out there that have no idea what we're talking about over here.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

I literally just got a DM this week from a comedian in Saudi Arabia, and he's starting a comedy club.

Joel Byers:

And he wanted to, like, talk to me about, like, the ins and outs of, like, running, running like, a comedy club.

Joel Byers:

And I was just like, Saudi Arabia?

Joel Byers:

Like what?

Joel Byers:

Oh, man, you're saying travel just made me think of, like.

Joel Byers:

Cause I mean, I get DM's from, like, comics in Australia, like, all over the world.

Joel Byers:

I know you're thinking broader in comedy, but that made me think of, like, Saudi Arabia.

Rome Green:

That's the one where I was like, it's like, that's what y'all out here doing.

Joel Byers:

I was like, all right.

Rome Green:

Like, all right.

Rome Green:

I would go to a comedy club in there.

Rome Green:

You know what I'm saying?

Joel Byers:

I mean, if, you know, if they bring the bag, I'll pull up.

Rome Green:

Yeah, definitely gotta bring a bag because I'm putting myself in danger.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

That's a little bit dangerous.

Rome Green:

You know, just saying I love y'all, you know, everybody.

Rome Green:

I love everybody.

Rome Green:

But, yeah.

Rome Green:

And I think that the cool thing about what we get, we get to do this as a living which is also.

Rome Green:

You gotta think about this.

Rome Green:

Like, how many people get to just, like, what we're doing right now?

Rome Green:

We're talking for a living.

Rome Green:

Like, my mom used to tell me to shut up.

Rome Green:

Like, take that, mom.

Rome Green:

I'm talking.

Rome Green:

But it's just like, it's not traditional.

Rome Green:

It's unconventional.

Rome Green:

And I tell people, like, people hit me up, like, hey, big bro, first off, somebody called me Og.

Rome Green:

I was like, hold on.

Rome Green:

Slow it down, old head.

Rome Green:

Old head.

Rome Green:

I'm 35.

Rome Green:

I ain't even got 40.

Rome Green:

What are we talking about?

Rome Green:

But I get it in YouTube terms, I'm Og.

Rome Green:

Like, so they was like, oh, Og.

Rome Green:

You know, I'm starting my YouTube.

Rome Green:

I'm trying to figure out this and that.

Rome Green:

The third, I'm like, look, man, you at least got to do 50 to 100 things on YouTube before you talk to me, to be honest.

Rome Green:

Because that.

Rome Green:

Then I'll know.

Rome Green:

Then by the time you wanna come back and ask me something, you'll figure it out.

Rome Green:

Because most people want to get the easy access, and I want to help people get there faster.

Rome Green:

But at the same time, there's no cutting the workout.

Rome Green:

It's just like, if a stand up comes to you and he's like, I wanna.

Rome Green:

This is my thing I wanna do.

Rome Green:

You're gonna be like, okay, well, come back to me after you've, like, went around doing the cafeterias, the random pubs, then come talk to me.

Rome Green:

Then after you got a couple things thrown at you a few times, like, it's awkward.

Rome Green:

Like, you gotta go through those motions.

Rome Green:

You can't just think you're gonna go straight to Apollo, and you haven't even hit the bar up the street, you know what I'm saying?

Rome Green:

I'm sure you've had terrible shows.

Rome Green:

And it's just.

Rome Green:

Oh, oh.

Joel Byers:

You didn't even mention the strip club, the sidewalks and the public buses.

Rome Green:

Literally, I tell people, I'm like, one time we had a show.

Rome Green:

This is one of the funniest things to me.

Rome Green:

There was always something happening.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

We did live shows for years.

Rome Green:

We got booked at this school.

Rome Green:

We get to the school, we're backstage, we're getting ready.

Rome Green:

The girl comes, she's like, here's your microphone.

Rome Green:

Mind you, it's five of us.

Rome Green:

She said, here's your microphone.

Rome Green:

We were like, okay, well, where's the other.

Rome Green:

No, it was six of us at the time.

Rome Green:

Oh, yeah.

Rome Green:

So where's the other five microphones?

Rome Green:

And she was like, oh, you know, we didn't.

Rome Green:

I said, you booked a group.

Rome Green:

You booked a group, where would you not think we would need extra microphones?

Rome Green:

So we literally did the show.

Rome Green:

Passing the microphone.

Rome Green:

Yeah, yeah.

Rome Green:

Oh, joke, joke, joke.

Rome Green:

Then you heard.

Rome Green:

I was just like, this is crazy.

Rome Green:

We had another show.

Rome Green:

Shout out to Howard, man.

Rome Green:

I love everybody at Howard.

Rome Green:

We were at Howard.

Rome Green:

Show us packed.

Rome Green:

It's slammed.

Rome Green:

I'm like, oh, this is crazy.

Rome Green:

We're backstage getting ready to get on.

Rome Green:

It's already, you know, when you're backstage, your guts are already on fire because you're like, I don't know how this is going to go.

Rome Green:

I don't know.

Rome Green:

You're listening to see is the crowd hype?

Rome Green:

Are they, are they a good crowd?

Rome Green:

Okay, cool.

Rome Green:

Especially as a stand up, you're listening to the act before you.

Rome Green:

You're like, oh, man, he's warming them up good.

Rome Green:

But if they sound dead, you're like, oh, it's gonna be a rough one.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

We're back there.

Rome Green:

The oldest man that could be working at a place, I think he was Howard, his name had to.

Rome Green:

He comes up to us.

Rome Green:

We're about to go on stage.

Rome Green:

My man is like, hey, I can't see to turn the lights on up there.

Rome Green:

Can one of y'all help me turn the lights on?

Rome Green:

We said, sir, the show, we're about to literally walk out.

Rome Green:

He said, it's dark up there.

Rome Green:

Oh, get your ass up there and figure it out.

Rome Green:

What are you talking about?

Rome Green:

What are you saying to me right now?

Rome Green:

Like, what?

Rome Green:

Nobody would know.

Rome Green:

This is going on backstage.

Rome Green:

We're panicking.

Rome Green:

Then we go out on stage.

Rome Green:

And you know how you go out on stage?

Rome Green:

You know how when Mike goes out, all you hear is, all right, ladies, welcome.

Rome Green:

I seen him.

Rome Green:

Mike starts going out.

Rome Green:

I said, okay, all right, this one's gonna be one of them.

Rome Green:

Whole time, whole show, Mike is going in and out.

Rome Green:

We're figuring it out.

Rome Green:

The fans are just like, it's okay.

Rome Green:

It happens.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

But it ended up being a decent show.

Rome Green:

But because they were there for us, it kinda worked.

Rome Green:

If that would've been a crowd and nobody knew it, it would've been rough.

Rome Green:

Oh, it would've been rough.

Rome Green:

So these are the things you gotta go through.

Rome Green:

Bad jokes landing.

Rome Green:

We were, I remember in Alabama, and we went back and forth about this one particular joke.

Rome Green:

And then I already, me and Alabama don't get along.

Rome Green:

I'm sorry, Alabama.

Rome Green:

I mean, I'm sure you good people, we're in Alabama.

Rome Green:

We on stage.

Rome Green:

And this one particular joke, we were like, should we do it?

Rome Green:

Should we not do it it was like, you know what?

Rome Green:

It's gotta go.

Rome Green:

Let's do it.

Rome Green:

I've never heard a crowd go silent so fast from a joke.

Rome Green:

I'm talking, oh, it's happening.

Joel Byers:

Da da.

Rome Green:

And then, da da da.

Rome Green:

Punchline's coming.

Rome Green:

Hit the punchline.

Rome Green:

It's like the air got sucked out the room.

Rome Green:

You know, you don't get that laugh.

Joel Byers:

Oh, yeah.

Rome Green:

So we just, like, calmly moved to.

Joel Byers:

The next show like nothing happened.

Rome Green:

Yeah, we just calmly, it was awkward.

Rome Green:

But it teaches you to sit in it.

Rome Green:

Like, you gotta.

Rome Green:

Cause it's gonna happen.

Rome Green:

So anybody that's doing comedy, any of that, you just gotta go through the motion.

Rome Green:

You gotta put out that video where people are like, hey, man, like, you suck.

Joel Byers:

Right, right.

Rome Green:

This isn't good.

Rome Green:

And it's gonna hurt.

Rome Green:

It's not gonna feel good, but you're gonna learn.

Rome Green:

Like, okay, all right.

Rome Green:

What wasn't good about, I gotta figure out, like, what didn't resonate with them.

Rome Green:

Like, did I stay on this joke too long?

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Like, people don't understand.

Rome Green:

Like, and even when we got to Comedy Central, it helped us because they have a very professional way of telling you that your shit not funny.

Rome Green:

We in the writers room, we going over the script, we get to one part, the executive is like, hey, this lands softly for me.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

What did you say to me?

Rome Green:

Hey, this.

Rome Green:

Let's get an alternate for this joke right here.

Rome Green:

That's basically, this joke sucks.

Rome Green:

Change it.

Joel Byers:

Coming from someone who's never written a.

Rome Green:

Joke, coming from someone who's never written a joke.

Rome Green:

And that's what you have to realize, like, okay, they think they know what they're talking about.

Rome Green:

They're going off of what society may deem as, like, funny.

Rome Green:

They don't understand.

Rome Green:

You have a sense of humor.

Rome Green:

You have an audience.

Rome Green:

You know what your audience want.

Rome Green:

So you kind of gotta put your foot down in those situations.

Rome Green:

Like, hey, I know it is, but we're young.

Rome Green:

We're just like, okay, oh, you appeased?

Joel Byers:

And we're like, we don't want to.

Rome Green:

Be like, oh, yeah.

Rome Green:

Cause, you know, we don't wanna upset the executives now.

Rome Green:

I'd be like, kiss my ass.

Rome Green:

I love this joke.

Rome Green:

I'm leaving this in here.

Rome Green:

But we should have did it back then.

Rome Green:

So anybody that's in those positions now, I think you just got to know who your audience is and stick to what your gut.

Rome Green:

Like, your gut is going to lead you the right way.

Rome Green:

But, yeah, so it's just those nuances in comedy where I tell people, you want to do this or you want to even.

Rome Green:

Not just any content creation in general, you got to do, like, at least 50 to 100 of whatever you're doing.

Rome Green:

If you tell me, hey, man, I've been doing this for two years.

Rome Green:

I got 200 episodes.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

I have a podcast called Boss Talk Podcast, where we talk about mental health, we talk about business, we talk about strategy, all that stuff.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

I mean.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

And we said we're gonna put a video out every week.

Rome Green:

We have 241 episodes.

Rome Green:

We've never missed a week, not one week.

Rome Green:

So I tell people, come talk to me when you really wanna get to it.

Rome Green:

Like, that's.

Rome Green:

Cause that's the consistency that you need in this game.

Rome Green:

It's the volume of success.

Rome Green:

So, yeah.

Joel Byers:

What was the creation system you guys had as a crew, as a group?

Joel Byers:

Yeah, I think that's part of what gets us hung up as comedians is like, well, what do I post?

Joel Byers:

Like, I've been in my album before, just scrolling.

Joel Byers:

Like, what do I even post?

Rome Green:

Figure it out.

Joel Byers:

And it's like, why?

Joel Byers:

Or I'm cutting together a crowd work clip where it's like, what's your name?

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

And then, like, that's the whole clip.

Joel Byers:

I was like, I'm not posting that.

Joel Byers:

People are.

Joel Byers:

People are posting that, though.

Joel Byers:

Like, I'm on.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

Like, I got a crowd work clip with three minutes of real materials.

Rome Green:

See, back in YouTube days was easy.

Rome Green:

We just knew, all right.

Rome Green:

Cause we didn't have Instagram, right?

Rome Green:

People don't understand, and I say this in the most humble way.

Rome Green:

If we would have had Instagram and all this stuff back then, it would have been over for people.

Rome Green:

Because the volume that we were producing a video every week, we'd have put that same energy into, like, Instagram and all that stuff.

Rome Green:

But I think back then, it was easy because we knew, all right, one video a week.

Rome Green:

That's the focus, right?

Rome Green:

But then as Instagram comes out and, you know, Twitter and vine and all, you know, all this stuff, start doing video, you gotta be like, okay, all right, what am I gonna post?

Rome Green:

So, luckily, since we had skits, it was easy to just take clips from skits.

Rome Green:

We was like, all right, well, we're gonna throw two clips up this week to promote that one video or whatever.

Rome Green:

But now, like you said, I.

Rome Green:

It's even tough for me sometimes.

Rome Green:

I'm like, okay, well, I know I got my podcast clips I can do.

Rome Green:

Like, when you come do the podcast on Monday, we're like, all right.

Rome Green:

We know we'll post a couple clips from here, all right?

Rome Green:

And then whatever random, funny thing, like, it's just like, that's where it's at.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

I'll go through my phone.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Like, my.

Rome Green:

I just had a video with my uncle down where I was touching his radio or whatever, and he was like, you don't touch my radio.

Rome Green:

No, no pause.

Rome Green:

No pause.

Rome Green:

Play plague ass or rewind, whatever you want to do, or forward, slow mo, whatever you.

Rome Green:

Whatever floats your boat.

Rome Green:

But I had the video with him, and I was like, you know what?

Rome Green:

Sometimes people just, like, at home content.

Rome Green:

So I'm just gonna post my video with my uncle.

Rome Green:

And everybody loved it.

Rome Green:

I was like, I don't know what y'all want anymore.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

And that's the thing.

Rome Green:

I stopped caring about what people want.

Rome Green:

It's like, what do I feel like posting?

Rome Green:

That's what I got to.

Rome Green:

That's literally the point.

Rome Green:

I got to.

Rome Green:

I'm not being ruled by this algorithm that I don't even know what it means.

Rome Green:

So let me just post what I want.

Rome Green:

See what happened.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

December of:

Rome Green:

It was like,:

Rome Green:

Cause I wasn't really.

Rome Green:

We wasn't really doing anything.

Rome Green:

So I was like, let me do an experiment.

Rome Green:

Let me just start posting old stuff.

Rome Green:

Let me start posting.

Rome Green:

It shot up, like, 30K followers in, like, two months.

Rome Green:

I was like, TikTok is a wild place over there.

Rome Green:

That audience is crazy over there.

Rome Green:

Cause that's a whole.

Rome Green:

I feel like there's a whole nother set of people.

Rome Green:

Like a whole nother planet over there.

Rome Green:

And that's when I realized, oh, each platform is different.

Rome Green:

TikTok has their audience.

Rome Green:

Instagram has their audience.

Rome Green:

YouTube has.

Rome Green:

There's some people who don't watch nothing but YouTube, some people who don't go on any other platform but TikTok.

Rome Green:

Cause TikTok is almost like a Google now.

Rome Green:

top five places to travel in:

Rome Green:

Bunch of videos.

Rome Green:

So it's like, okay, I know to put a kind of random stuff on there if I want to.

Rome Green:

If I have a thought.

Rome Green:

Let me throw it up on TikTok.

Rome Green:

Let me reply to somebody's comment, make almost a comedy bit out of what their comment is.

Rome Green:

Throw that on TikTok.

Rome Green:

So every day is different.

Rome Green:

To be honest, there's no really system.

Rome Green:

The system is just get the content out that you want to get out?

Rome Green:

That's what I've gotten to.

Joel Byers:

So what would you say to, like, a comedian trying to, like, a young comic and trying to figure out what to post or even how to generate ideas sometimes?

Joel Byers:

I mean, that can be difficult.

Joel Byers:

Like, where do you find inspiration?

Rome Green:

Well, I think you find inspiration by living life.

Rome Green:

I tell people that all the time.

Rome Green:

Like, I'm sure there was something that happened on the plane to you on the way here.

Rome Green:

Even getting here, the weather being shitty, finding part, this.

Rome Green:

You're always.

Rome Green:

This material is gonna pop up.

Rome Green:

Are you just willing and open to, like, just writing it down?

Rome Green:

Like, even if you.

Rome Green:

Sometimes I would be out and just be like, all right.

Rome Green:

I see these two people talking.

Rome Green:

Like, I went to the gym the other day.

Rome Green:

It's too.

Rome Green:

Grown men butt naked, talking to each other in the locker room.

Rome Green:

What are we doing?

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

No, no, that was balls.

Rome Green:

I said, what is going on in here?

Rome Green:

Why would you be having a political conversation with your dicks.

Rome Green:

With your dicks out?

Rome Green:

That just seems a bit wild, sir, put some clothes on.

Joel Byers:

Very polar.

Rome Green:

It's very polar.

Rome Green:

It's literally like, come on, I just got in here.

Rome Green:

It's in the morning.

Rome Green:

So just writing stuff down, that happens to you?

Rome Green:

Cause stuff happens to us every day.

Rome Green:

And sometimes we're like, I don't have no material.

Rome Green:

You literally have material.

Rome Green:

Like, shit happens all the time.

Rome Green:

You know what I'm saying?

Rome Green:

Like, I had a noise in my room for two weeks straight.

Rome Green:

I kid you not.

Rome Green:

I'm embarrassed to even say this.

Rome Green:

I'm like, bro, I think it's a bird stuck in my roof.

Rome Green:

I'm talking about on the podcast.

Rome Green:

I'm like, bro, I think I'm gonna have to call somebody.

Rome Green:

There's some type of animal in my roof.

Rome Green:

I keep hearing the same noise, and it's low key, scaring me.

Rome Green:

I'm cleaning up my room one Saturday, and you know how there's those air fresheners that kind of spray automatically?

Rome Green:

I forgot I had one, but the air was out of it.

Rome Green:

So every time it sprayed, it made, like.

Rome Green:

So it wasn't a bird.

Rome Green:

It was my dumb ass that left the air freshen.

Rome Green:

And I was like, this is idiotic.

Rome Green:

What does that say about me?

Rome Green:

Am I not aware of anything that's going on in my house?

Rome Green:

So then I started coming up with, like, stuff about how you gotta be aware and how as you get older, you just be leaving.

Rome Green:

You just leave stuff because it takes too much effort to have to go out and get another one.

Rome Green:

Of those things, you're like, I'll get to it.

Rome Green:

At some .3 weeks later, you're thinking it's a bird stuck in your roof when you could have just replaced the air in the air force.

Rome Green:

So it's like, just small things like that.

Rome Green:

And even Rick Rubin has a book called the Creative act.

Rome Green:

Phenomenal book for any creator, comedian, artist, writer, whatever that is.

Rome Green:

And he was like, ideas are like clouds.

Rome Green:

Like, they turn into rain.

Rome Green:

You know, it hits the ocean, it evaporates, comes back.

Rome Green:

He said, it's always this ecosystem of ideas, but you have to take days.

Rome Green:

He said, I guarantee you, you've come up with the best material just sitting around doing nothing.

Rome Green:

He said, the material that you force, you're always like, ah.

Rome Green:

But when it's just like, you and your friends shooting the shit, talking to each other, y'all take a walk.

Rome Green:

Y'all go to that coffee shop.

Rome Green:

Y'all go grab some food.

Rome Green:

Something happens there.

Rome Green:

And then you remember, like, oh, remember that time we literally, all of our sketches when we were younger came from real things that happened to us?

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

There was nothing that we were just like, oh.

Rome Green:

Cause we got a skit called what her face looked like.

Rome Green:

And it's about us trying to figure out what this girl's face looked like.

Rome Green:

Cause she would not turn around.

Rome Green:

And we just thought she looked good from the back, but we wanted to see what she looked like from the front.

Rome Green:

And she ended up turning around.

Rome Green:

She ended up being cute, but we were like, how could we turn that into.

Rome Green:

Whenever she turns around, it looks crazy.

Rome Green:

So we knew we had the framework of, all right.

Rome Green:

Some guys looking at a girl.

Rome Green:

Cause every guy can relate to, oh, man, I'm trying to see what she looked like.

Rome Green:

And so every time she would get ready to turn around, something would happen.

Rome Green:

Something else will happen.

Rome Green:

But then we were like, what's the punchline to this?

Rome Green:

And for weeks, we were like, well, what's, of course, everybody gonna expect when she turned around?

Rome Green:

Because it's a comedy skit for her to be ugly.

Rome Green:

So we were like, oh, that's too easy.

Rome Green:

That's low hanging fruit.

Rome Green:

What else could we do?

Rome Green:

Could she, like, have two heads or something?

Rome Green:

We didn't.

Rome Green:

We was like, oh, no, no, no.

Rome Green:

So I was on Instagram not thinking about the skit.

Rome Green:

I seen this makeup artist who did makeup to where it looked like, you don't have a face.

Rome Green:

And I was like, oh, she turns around, she has no face whatsoever.

Rome Green:

And then that's what we did.

Rome Green:

Everybody was like, that is a wild ending.

Rome Green:

But I was like, I love stuff, but it came from me not even thinking about it.

Rome Green:

I was just on Instagram.

Rome Green:

I was like, makeup artist.

Rome Green:

I was like, oh, there we go.

Rome Green:

But it just comes from freeing yourself and not, like, forcing.

Rome Green:

So you got to get out and live, go travel, go visit grandparents.

Rome Green:

They got stories, like, all that stuff, you know, as a stand up, usually if it comes from real life, you can tell when a stand up is like, okay, he really went through that, right?

Rome Green:

Yeah, he's suffering right now.

Rome Green:

He's going through it, and I like it.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

And that's.

Joel Byers:

Sometimes people will ask me, like, well, I have this.

Joel Byers:

I have this experience, but it's not like a joke.

Joel Byers:

It's not like a setup, punchline, misdirect joke.

Joel Byers:

I was like, well, if it gets a laughter, it's a joke.

Joel Byers:

It's funny.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

You know, it's.

Joel Byers:

Sometimes we can overthink, but, like, that's just true.

Joel Byers:

And it's getting a laugh.

Joel Byers:

But where's the structure there and the misdirect?

Joel Byers:

Yeah, Mike just.

Rome Green:

I think it was.

Rome Green:

I forgot which comedian was.

Rome Green:

He came out on stage, he was like, all right.

Rome Green:

Cause he wasn't the main actor.

Rome Green:

I think it might have been Kevin Hart or somebody else.

Rome Green:

He was like, came out on stage, all right, I got three jokes for y'all.

Rome Green:

I'm getting out of here immediately.

Rome Green:

People laughing.

Rome Green:

He did three jokes.

Rome Green:

He left.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

I was like, this is phenomenal.

Rome Green:

I was like, you can't beat sometimes.

Rome Green:

You just gotta go with what you feeling.

Rome Green:

Because the crowd, they can tell when it's from, like, a real place.

Rome Green:

Like, they're like, oh, he's really going through that.

Rome Green:

Or, like, that's even Instagram videos or whatever you do.

Rome Green:

Like, if something happened to you, it doesn't have to be this well oiled structure.

Rome Green:

Now, there are ways to make a good punchline to a joke.

Rome Green:

I had this stand up joke that I was doing on how my mom, it came from real life.

Rome Green:

Cause my mom, she was dating, and I was like, me and my mom dating at this age sounds stupid, because, mom, why are you dating?

Rome Green:

I'm dating.

Rome Green:

Are we in the same pool?

Rome Green:

What's going on?

Rome Green:

I'm afraid.

Rome Green:

But then she met a guy and how she wanted me to call him daddy.

Rome Green:

I said, I'm not calling no grown man daddy or step daddy.

Rome Green:

I said, from here on out, mom, he is known as.

Rome Green:

That's my mama's nigga.

Rome Green:

That's just who he is.

Rome Green:

I'm never referring to him as his first name, whatever it is.

Rome Green:

But then I would get around my other comedian friends and they would start to add tags to it and I would like, see, that's how you work at Joe.

Rome Green:

You gotta have people around you that really they'll listen to you.

Rome Green:

They'd be like, oh, yeah, yeah, you should add this or you should add this.

Rome Green:

And it's not coming from a place of like, oh, man, I know, I don't want to give you my joke.

Rome Green:

It's just like, no, no, this gonna make it better, you know, so get around people.

Rome Green:

The environment helps you too.

Rome Green:

Like, or if you are a content creator, get around other youtubers or whatever.

Rome Green:

Y'all can like, bounce other ideas around.

Rome Green:

People are so isolated now.

Rome Green:

And that's one thing I learned when I went to Asia.

Rome Green:

They got so much community and I'm like, oh, this is why they so, like, vibrant.

Rome Green:

Like, they, they really big on community.

Rome Green:

So you build that community of creators around you, writers around you.

Rome Green:

Next thing you know, you got a little ecosystem going.

Rome Green:

Next thing you might meet an actual comedy joke writer and he might be like, oh, you don't even gotta write the joke.

Rome Green:

I'll help you structure it.

Rome Green:

You give me the ideas, I'll help you structure it.

Rome Green:

And boom.

Rome Green:

And I think people would forget that stand ups do have writers for their jokes a lot of times.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, I need to think of that.

Joel Byers:

We have a Facebook group that has comedians all over the world in there that should we do like a joke writing contest in there every day.

Joel Byers:

But there's opportunities to do even more beyond just like a joke every day in there.

Joel Byers:

Make it collaborative.

Rome Green:

And realizing that your joke on paper, that's one thing I learned too.

Rome Green:

Jokes on paper sometimes aren't funny on paper, but they are hilarious when out loud, and sometimes out loud they're not funny.

Rome Green:

But on paper, you read that, you're like, ah, that sounds good.

Rome Green:

Yeah, you know, like, so.

Rome Green:

Cause we had this one script where this guy walks into the bathroom, and this is the bathroom attendant is like trying to give him, you know, they try to give you cologne, like all the other stuff, and he tries to offer him conditioner, and he's like, bro, I'm in the bathroom.

Rome Green:

I don't need conditioner.

Rome Green:

And the bathroom attendant is like, but it's a leave in.

Rome Green:

And on paper, that might not be funny, but I could see it on screen.

Rome Green:

Like, I can see that being like, so it's so many.

Rome Green:

Cause what does a leave in have to do with it?

Rome Green:

I don't want fucking conditioner right now?

Rome Green:

Let's leave it you.

Rome Green:

So I was like, on paper, somebody might read it, okay.

Rome Green:

But, like, out loud and seeing the scene, it might be like, okay, I can see how that be funny.

Rome Green:

So that's all.

Rome Green:

That's what you gotta think about, too.

Rome Green:

If you're writing jokes or doing jokes like that, it's like, let me, let me maybe get somebody to say it out loud and see kind of what it feels like.

Rome Green:

Or you say it out loud to yourself and see what it feels like.

Joel Byers:

So did you say you've written for stand ups?

Rome Green:

I've written jokes for people.

Rome Green:

Yeah, for comedians, for certain comedians, but then also for content creators.

Rome Green:

So, like, one of my homeboys, I worked with him on a series he had, and then he would always hit me up for just captions.

Rome Green:

I would do those for him.

Rome Green:

Oh, and that's the.

Rome Green:

So this is other ways you can make money, people.

Rome Green:

Copywriting is a big thing.

Rome Green:

Like, people need jokes, they need advertisement.

Rome Green:

And I was able to, I ended up landing this gig where I creative directed for Hyundai for, like, eight months.

Rome Green:

And I learned so much from there about, like, commercial writing and, like, doing all that stuff.

Rome Green:

And that's when I knew, I was like, all right.

Rome Green:

I think creative direction is just my lane because I like writing for things.

Rome Green:

I like coming up with story schemes for stuff like that.

Rome Green:

And they can all be comedy, but it doesn't have to necessarily be me being on stage or me being in front of a camera.

Rome Green:

I can be behind the scenes doing that.

Rome Green:

So I was like, you know what?

Rome Green:

I like the creative direction route, too.

Rome Green:

Like being a creative director, figuring out what this through line is for this commercial.

Rome Green:

Or, how can we make this commercial funny?

Rome Green:

Like these advertisement comedy and advertisement go hand in hand because that's what usually those are, the commercials.

Rome Green:

You remember the ones that are funny.

Rome Green:

Like, you're like, oh, I remember that.

Rome Green:

Or I remember, like, oh, it's usually a comedy bit.

Rome Green:

You don't really remember the somber ones.

Rome Green:

Cause you're like, I don't wanna be sad.

Rome Green:

You remember, oh, that was a funny commercial where the person did this.

Rome Green:

Or like that old commercial where it was like, you lent liquor.

Rome Green:

I forgot what the.

Rome Green:

It's just like.

Rome Green:

But you remember those commercials.

Rome Green:

Cause they were funny.

Rome Green:

No, we're not pausing, we're playing, we're.

Joel Byers:

Rewinding, and we're slow mowing, you know, power threes.

Rome Green:

I had.

Joel Byers:

I had to squeeze one more in there.

Joel Byers:

You said, lint liquor, there's my chance.

Rome Green:

Yeah, there's my chance.

Rome Green:

So, yeah, just so many.

Rome Green:

I just don't want anybody to feel like they have to limit themselves because they may not.

Rome Green:

Because here's the honest truth.

Rome Green:

You may not make it as the thing you think you're going to make it as, and that's a harsh reality to set in.

Rome Green:

You're like, oh, I've been doing this, but now I'm actually good at this thing over here.

Rome Green:

Does that mean it's time for me to pivot?

Rome Green:

Because you can kind of.

Rome Green:

You gotta trust your.

Rome Green:

Trust yourself.

Rome Green:

Like, sometimes you'll be doing one thing just to build the skills so it can go towards another thing.

Rome Green:

Like, if possibly dormtainment may have been this thing where I got to learn leadership and group dynamics and stuff like that.

Rome Green:

So I can lead a creative agency, or I can lead people in a creative directing role, or that I could put together a business like I did, like, you know, or learn advertising, so I can write for my own stuff and build that.

Rome Green:

Who knows?

Rome Green:

You know, I'm very open to.

Rome Green:

I'm very open to it, so I'm just.

Rome Green:

That's what I'm doing.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

That makes me think of, actually, an Alex Hormozi tweet he had recently where it was like, if you're trying to decide between two things, pick the one that'll be the better story in 20 years.

Joel Byers:

And I was like, oh, that's interesting.

Rome Green:

Because I've was one way, and it's like, yeah, and so many people that's like that.

Rome Green:

Like, that started doing something else, but then, I mean, you can look at what I believe is Jessica Alba and like, you know, she's actress, all this stuff, but I think her company is worth multimillion.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, Reese Witherspoon, too.

Rome Green:

It's like, you know, they could have chosen, said, no, I'm strictly acting.

Rome Green:

But it's like, I kind of go, I gotta go with where my life is going.

Rome Green:

You're not the same at 25 that you're saying at 45 or 65.

Rome Green:

Life has its ebbs and flows.

Rome Green:

I think I'll leave this with people.

Rome Green:

This is one of the best analogies I heard about life.

Rome Green:

They're like, look at life as like a basketball game.

Rome Green:

Four quarters, first quarter, you're, of course, like, you're born to, like, 25 years old.

Rome Green:

You're just getting out.

Rome Green:

You're figuring out the team.

Rome Green:

You're like, okay, like, what type of offense are they running?

Rome Green:

Like, what is life about?

Rome Green:

Let me make some mistakes.

Rome Green:

Da da da.

Rome Green:

Second quarter, 25 to 50, you're like, okay, all right.

Rome Green:

I got a little hang on this game.

Rome Green:

You know, I'm warming up.

Rome Green:

My shots are starting to go in a little bit.

Rome Green:

We might not be in the lead yet, but we.

Rome Green:

We're figuring out the game.

Rome Green:

He said 50.

Rome Green:

Your halftime, like, here, you can reevaluate yourself.

Rome Green:

Figure out, like, where's the next step you want to go?

Rome Green:

He said, third quarter is 50 to 75.

Rome Green:

He said, this is when you're really putting down shots.

Rome Green:

Like, you're putting down shots.

Rome Green:

You got family.

Rome Green:

You're stamped.

Rome Green:

You know what I'm saying?

Rome Green:

And then he said, fourth quarter, 75 until you pass away.

Rome Green:

This is all about service.

Rome Green:

He's like, you know what?

Rome Green:

You're passing the ball to the young boys.

Rome Green:

Like, you're letting them know.

Rome Green:

Like, you take the shot.

Rome Green:

You take the shot.

Rome Green:

This is my last game.

Rome Green:

It's the Kobe last game.

Rome Green:

I'm taking a few shots, but I really want y'all to do your.

Rome Green:

Do your thing, shine a little bit.

Rome Green:

And I was like, that's a great way to look.

Rome Green:

That's honestly a great way.

Rome Green:

He said, so anybody that's, like, in their thirties or even forties, you're still in the second quarter.

Rome Green:

You're still, like, you're hitting some shots, but you're still figuring this thing out.

Rome Green:

And I was like, I like that.

Rome Green:

I was like, that was a bar.

Rome Green:

I was like, that was a bar.

Rome Green:

And it makes you realize, like, oh, yeah, I do got a lot of life to learn and a lot of life to live and do all these things.

Rome Green:

So that's what I want people to realize.

Rome Green:

You don't have to force everything.

Rome Green:

Cause there's no way.

Rome Green:

I'm sure you at 20 years old, is way different than that.

Joel Byers:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Joel Byers:

For sure.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Totally different person.

Rome Green:

If you haven't changed, something's wrong with you.

Joel Byers:

That's true.

Rome Green:

Something's going on.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

Yeah, well, where can, uh.

Joel Byers:

That's so crazy that my parking meter just went off when you dropped that bar.

Rome Green:

Come on.

Joel Byers:

I was thinking that's a good way to land the plane.

Rome Green:

I'm somewhat as a prophet, I'm somewhat of a profit, man.

Rome Green:

That's what they.

Rome Green:

That's what they say.

Joel Byers:

Won'ty, Willie?

Rome Green:

Yeah, won't he, Willy take it to.

Joel Byers:

It'll get you through it.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

Let's pray they don't have a ticket on my car.

Joel Byers:

We get out of here from Joel buyers.

Joel Byers:

Make sure lord don't have a ticket.

Rome Green:

On my car, please.

Joel Byers:

All my money's hidden in the bathroom.

Joel Byers:


Joel Byers:

I can't have a ticket on my car.

Joel Byers:

My lambo needs an oil change.

Rome Green:

Nothing that'll drop your expression more than you go to your car and just like, bruh, come on, man.

Rome Green:

Like, you start looking around, you start asking other people, did you see who.

Joel Byers:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rome Green:

See who left?

Rome Green:

No, they don't care.

Rome Green:

You shouldn't have parked there.

Rome Green:

What are you saying?

Joel Byers:

It was well worth it, for sure.

Rome Green:

Yeah, no, no, this was great.

Rome Green:

Thank you for the question.

Rome Green:

I just.

Rome Green:

I love giving these types of.

Rome Green:

Just this information because I think a lot of times we hoard information.

Rome Green:

It's like, there's no need.

Rome Green:

Like, just give it out.

Rome Green:

Like, I don't need it.

Rome Green:

Somebody else might need it.

Joel Byers:

Well, where do you want people to connect with you, man?

Rome Green:

All right, let's do the rundown list of things.

Rome Green:

But no.

Rome Green:

My main instagram, isomelot.

Rome Green:

I r o m e.

Rome Green:

A lot.

Rome Green:

Then we have comedy trap house network.

Rome Green:

That's our podcast that will be featuring Mister Joel on Monday.

Rome Green:

Gang, gang.

Rome Green:

And pretty much that podcast has turned into our fans sending us crazy videos and us talking about them.

Rome Green:


Rome Green:

And that's why it's fun, because you just.

Rome Green:

The world gives you material every day.

Rome Green:

It's a crazy world out here.

Rome Green:

Then we have my sunglasses brand at the shady side up.

Rome Green:

Go get you some shades right now.

Rome Green:

Then we have my prophetic podcast, ealbosstalk.

Rome Green:

It's on Patreon, but we're about to move it from Patreon to YouTube to get it out to the masses a little bit more.

Rome Green:

Because I just want people.

Rome Green:

It's not even about the money.

Rome Green:

I want people to get the message.

Rome Green:

And, yeah, those are the main thing.

Rome Green:

And of course, at dorm Tammy, that's still there.

Rome Green:

We're still posting things whenever we feel like it.

Rome Green:

But YouTube, all the same things.

Rome Green:

You'll see all the links.

Rome Green:

You know how it goes, all the links in the Bios and all those.

Rome Green:

The newsletter and the newsletter.

Rome Green:

That link is in my bio, too.

Rome Green:

But the newsletter, it's called creative Kaizen.

Rome Green:

If you google it, it should pop up.

Rome Green:

And there we go.

Rome Green:

Or if you go to my profile, it's in the.

Rome Green:

It's in the link.

Rome Green:

So, boom.

Joel Byers:

We'll definitely link them up, but definitely that.

Joel Byers:

I'm excited about the newsletter.

Joel Byers:

I'm excited about ours.

Joel Byers:

It's been fun to do an extra, extra little.

Rome Green:

And funny thing is, since I just started, I don't know where it'll grow into.

Rome Green:

I don't know what the niche will turn into eventually.

Rome Green:

Because some newsletters start one way, then you figure out, oh, I want to talk about this a little bit more.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

You know, who knows?

Rome Green:

Yeah, I'm just along for the ride.

Joel Byers:

Well, sign up for Rome's newsletter and follow him.

Joel Byers:

And also subscribe to our newsletter.

Rome Green:


Joel Byers:

Hopbreadthpodcast.com vip.

Rome Green:

o connect almost since, like,:

Joel Byers:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Rome Green:

So I'm glad we got a chance to do this.

Rome Green:

I think you're super funny.

Rome Green:

You got great jokes, you got great content, and I see the consistency, so I respect people that got consistency.

Joel Byers:

Well, real recognize.

Joel Byers:


Rome Green:

Come on, man.

Joel Byers:

I appreciate the love.

Rome Green:

Yes, sir.

Joel Byers:

Thanks for being on hot breath, green dab.

Joel Byers:

We're not dabbing.

Joel Byers:

We're not going to dab.

Joel Byers:

No, I'm bringing back the dab and.

Rome Green:

We'Re going to bow.

Joel Byers:

That's the one thing you pause, is the dab.

Joel Byers:

You're like, all right, breathe.

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Hot Breath! (Learn Comedy from the Pros)

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Joel Byars